Posted March 20th, 2020 at 6:06 pm by Dan Musick

Last Monday, employees in both of the DDM companies met to strategize and make changes regarding the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
I began the meeting reading from Psalm 91, and we began with prayer. These are some selected portions of my text.
We are entering uncharted waters. However, keep in mind that God is providing opportunities to reveal His character in us to an unbelieving world. Look for ways to be different for Christ’s glory during COVID-19.
One of our core values is that we love others. In our current situation, by reducing the risk of contracting the coronavirus we protect our customers and employees.
Protection strategy:
1. We are currently restricting local pickups and having customers order online. Afterward, we set products in the lobby and lock the door.
2. Keep everyone away from each other and customers by keeping employees at home as much as is possible. By Wednesday, I expect to have only four people here to maintain essential operations.
We recommend that all employees check their temperatures every morning before eating or drinking anything. We also ask that wives or housemates check theirs daily as well. Do not come to work if your temperature is rising, this may indicate that you have the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Deep Clean:
If one of us comes down with the virus, or if someone enters the building with the virus, we shut down the business for two days for a deep clean. We do this with disinfected wipes, cleaning sprays, gloves, and an N95 mask, or we contract out the work.
Suggestions to help you protect yourself and others:
- Adopt this mentality: Assume that everyone you meet has the virus. They have all sneezed on you, but you’re not infected yet.
- Wash, wash, wash. Wash your hands any time you leave home and after every sneeze or cough.
- Keep your hands away from your face. Wash your hands 20 seconds before eating, and cough into a tissue or your arm and away from others.
- In addition, wash after leaving a building and returning. Wash after lunch and after going to the grocery store or pumping gas. Outside of quarantine washing hands is the single biggest deterrent to the spread of the coronavirus.
- Further, we recommend you suspend handshakes and provide caring elbow bumps instead.
- Exercise social distancing throughout the day. As much as it is possible, keep at least six feet away from others.
- Do web searches on ways to follow the highest protective hygiene methods, during COVID-19. We’re talking about a learning curve for each of us.
To keep the office clean & safe:
Continue wiping down frequently touched surfaces, such as workstations, countertops, and doorknobs to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Is a garage door repair company a life-sustaining business?
According to the Illinois definition, garage door companies are exempt from Governor Pritzker’s shelter in place policy.

On page six of Illinois’ list of life-sustaining businesses, we read that under the category of Repair and Maintenance, “Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance” companies are exempt from the shelter in place policy.
On the national level, all garage door companies are considered essential services. This is according to the International Door Association press release titled IDA Releases Statement Regarding Door and Access Systems Industry as Essential Services.
Our whole economy is on shaky ground. Therefore, be prepared for anything. And pray hard for our employees, our business, and our nation.
Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dan Musick
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