Torsion Spring Specials - Save 50% & Get Free Bars & Goggles.

Two ways to Order Precut Springs

1. Order By Door Weight.

On the bottom this page you will find matched pairs of garage door torsion springs for 7 foot high doors weighing from 150 to 260 pounds. They are listed by the door weight both springs pull on 4" drums to balance the door.

If you have carefully determined your door weight, and if your door is seven feet high with standard 4" diameter cable drums, select the springs you need based on door weight below.

Please bear in mind that most manfacturers, service companies and installing door companies use a 10 to 20 pound window to spring their doors.

We under-spring the door so that with the proper amount of tension the door will stay open or closed with the correct number of turns on the springs.

CAUTION! If you over-spring the door, if the springs are too strong, if we install 200 pound lift springs on a 180 pound door, for example, the door will stay open when the springs are properly wound, but it won't stay on the floor when closed. Removing some of the tension will allow the door to stay closed, but when the door is opened, the cables usually come off the drums and get tangled on the torsion assembly. This sometimes resullts in a half day job getting the cables back on the drums.
If you order precuts, be sure you order springs that lift less than the door weighs. For example, on a 200 pound, order springs that lift 180 to 200 pounds. More information is on our helful blog entitled A Balanced Garage Door.

2. Order By Spring Dimensions.

The spring specials are for pairs of the more common two inch ID springs with wire sizes ranging from .207 through .234.

If you don't have two inch ID springs, you can convert your 1 3/4" or 2 1/4" ID springs to two inch on our How To Convert Inside Diameters page. You will need to click the back button in your browser to return to this page.

If you have carefully measured both springs including the unwound lengths, and if you are certain of the springs you need, select springs that will work for you.

Please bear in mind that most manufacturers and installing door companies use a 10 to 20 pound window to spring their doors. Let's supose you have a pair of 2" .207 20.5" springs. On 7' high doors with 12" radius tracks these normally lift about 175 pounds. You could use the .207 21 1/2" springs which lift 166 pounds. This will balance the door within 10 pounds, which is an acceptable range in the garage door industry.

Cycle Life. When you click a part number in orange, you'll go to the page for buying the springs. Under the "Product Description" you will find the cycle life rating, the number of times a door opens and closes. The cycles listed are based on historic industry software.

For some of the door weights we list a second spring. You will notice that the larger springs have a longer cycle life. The better value is in the standard cycle life, but the longer life springs may be a better choice if you plan to live in your home more than eight years. As the spring cycle life increases, the cost per cycle decreases. For customers in their thirties and forties who plan to live in the same home for the rest of their lives, we often get orders for springs rated at more than 80,000 cycles. You'll find these on our Standard Garage Door Torsion Springs page.

Buy your springs from the selections below.

If your springs are not listed there, please select from over 6,000 springs in our Find My Spring Databaseā„¢ program.

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Since 1997 the Gold Standard for Online Garage Door Parts


Huge inventory of torsion springs for same or next day shipping! Here you will find all you need in the most common sizes of 1 3/4," 2," 2 1/4," and 2 5/8" inside diameter springs. Larger 3 3/4" and 6" inside diameter commercial and industrial springs may require a day or two to ship. You'll also find TorqueMaster Springs, Extension Springs, Self-Storage door springs, steel rolling door springs and springs for one piece single panel doors.

Shelves packed with every part you need to fix your doors.

Please note. Shipping times and costs have changed. Normal transit times are currently not guaranteed, even on next day and second day shipments. Shipping prices on items over eight feet have more than tripled.