Posted December 7th, 2018 at 3:51 pm by Dan Musick

Extension spring tandem yokes allow for a total of four springs on an extension spring system. As a result, they are a good alternative for heavier doors. Using four smaller springs will also often save on the cost. Above is our tandem yoke plate for doors that weigh less than 250 pounds.
How do Tandem Yokes Work?
Normally a garage door will have two springs with each rated the same as the door weight. On a tandem system, there are four springs, and the pull on the two added together on each side rates for the door’s weight.
For example, a 160-pound door usually has two extension springs rated at 160 pounds per spring. With a tandem system, each spring rates at half that amount, or 80 pounds each. In a tandem yoke assembly, each spring does half the work. As a result, you can use lower-rated springs for heavier doors.
For doors weighing over 250 pounds, we recommend the EXT-HKP1 tandem kit. In the pictures below, notice how the clips are connected and sandwiched between the plates.

Can you mix springs with different ratings on a tandem spring system?
In general the answer is yes; however, you should make sure the ratings are not too different. For example, springs that rate at 120 pounds and 40 pounds per side would not be a good mix. The yoke will pitch because of the different pulls. However, a pair of 90-pound and 70-pound pull springs would probably work fine.
We have always recommended installing extension spring safety cables, and a four-spring system is no exception.
If you have a heavier garage door, converting your springs to extension spring tandem yokes might be a good investment. As with any spring installation, exercise extreme caution!
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