Posted October 19th, 2018 at 6:16 pm by Dan Musick
Home remodeling can seem exciting. It can also seem expensive, a lot of work, or not worth it at all. This all depends on one’s outlook and plans for the future. Sure, there are many people who will tell you that this project or that one will increase your home’s value. Are they right? Which project recoups the most for the investment made?

What the Researchers Say
Remodeling Magazine puts out an annual Cost vs. Value Report, detailing which home improvement projects give you the most bang for your buck not only locally, but also for the region and the whole country.
The project that earned the top spot in 2018, both in the eastern Midwest and nationally, was garage door replacement. 96.6 percent of value is recouped regionally and 98.3 percent recouped nationally. In the Chicago region, it took third with 89.6 percent, behind manufactured stone veneer and steel entry door replacement.
In contrast, a new backyard patio took the lowest spot in all three areas, coming in between 44.1 percent for Chicago and 47.6 percent nationally. The reasons for the value-added findings are three-fold as garage doors increase curb appeal, impact energy savings, and provide added safety and security.
Types of Garage Doors
There are three types of steel doors–hollow or non-insulated, insulated with vinyl backs, and insulated sandwich doors with steel on both sides. The price of the door will vary depending upon which options you select and the overall quality, which includes the R-value, spring life, and warranty.
Options to consider include R-value, structural integrity, safety, and aesthetics. Hollow steel doors are appropriate for non-insulated, detached garages. However, insulated doors perform better against heavy use and bouncing basketballs.
Insulated and attached garages are better off with sandwich-style doors. Also, if there is a room above your garage, you will be happier – and warmer or cooler, depending on the season – with doors that have a higher R-value. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation is.
Trying on a Garage Door
Buying a new garage door isn’t like trying on prom dresses, but it should be. Some door manufacturers are working to make it easier, mainly through interactive websites that “build” your door as you make selections.
Amarr, one manufacturer whom DDM Garage Doors represents, has a guide that first asks you to choose the style door. Then the material, followed by the design, color, and construction. They also have videos to accompany each step, explaining each option.
C.H.I., another manufacturer that we work with, offers a similar product guide that lets you chose the size of your door and then the style. It takes you through all the same options as Amarr. In the end, it provides you with an illustration of the door that you have designed.
Either of these resources can help pin down what you like and what you don’t, and in the end, you should have a door chosen out of the hundreds of possibilities. Therefore, why not increase your home’s value with a new garage door?
Let Us Help You
Let DDM Garage Doors help you choose the best garage door for your home. We will answer all your questions and give you everything you need to make sure you make the right decision. Contact us today so we can get started!
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